Monday, July 2, 2007

Sicko -- June 29th, 2007

Well, I saw it. Sicko. Wow, it was amazing. It is now Monday, the 2nd of July. I saw the movie on Friday, June 29th. I have not written my review until now because I have been too busy trying to figure out what other country to move to.

Michael Moore is a tough nut. Yes he is "Molto Irritato". No, I would not want him anywhere near my social circle. However, I am VERY glad there is a Michael Moore. I have seen everyone of his movies. I even saw the one about Nike, which was a little lame. I even saw it in the theaters. I know...very impressive / depressing. I think he is an excellent filmmaker, if somewhat repetitive in his style. He is more of a brand than a director. However, I am not sure that's a bad thing. He gets people out to the theaters to see documentaries. So, more power to him.

Sicko basically tells us that the US health care system is F'd. It is true that everyone who has health insurance in the US already knows this. That fact does not make this movie any less poignant. The examples that Michael Moore has to prove that thesis statement are amazing and sometimes, difficult to believe. I'm sure that the right wing will say that he makes things up and that he is biased. He doesn't make things up. Come on, people. This dude is a hard-core fact-checker!! Yes, he is biased in the sense that he has very strong opinions. I'm not sure what's wrong with that. Isn't that kinda the point of the whole liberty and freedom of expression thing? I have opinions and too I want to express them. Here's one. Chicken McNuggets are yummy. Here's another. Paris Hilton's mug shot says it all. Here's another. Michael Moore should not wear baseball caps everywhere he goes.

Now, I don't really care that he stood on a soapbox on the Oscars. Who cares? Do we really hold that night so precious that we must not expand it's meaning? I know he's a bit of a pain in the ass. I am just glad that all the asses out there are experiencing some pain and I am glad that Michael "looks a little like the creature that comes out of the stomach in Total Recall" Moore is delivering the blows.

Thanks Mikey. You get 5 out of a possible 5 Robbies.


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